The term khaki refers to both color and type of clothing. Khakis come in pants, shorts, and skirts. When you choose this color for your bottoms, you typically want a dressier look whether you go out to the beach or lake for the weekend or you wear a skort to a social event.
Khaki describes a color family similar to the way a range of blues or reds exists. Khaki ranges from greys to pinks to tans. The base color of khaki is a light brown tinged with green and yellow. It originated on 19th-century British military uniforms. Its original use simulated the color of soil to help camouflage the individual in desert and arid terrain.
Its color range for clothing typically falls under one of ten hues in three sub-families. They fall into greys, pinks, or tans. The grey hues typically include Dark Khaki #998877, Vintage Khaki #9a9186, True Khaki #b8ae98, British Khaki #bcaf97, Khaki #2 #d3b09c, and Desert Khaki #c3b091. Khaki with a pink hue is invariably Indian Khaki #d6cdb7. The tan khakis include Pure Khaki (light tan) #f0e68c, Bright Khaki (light tan) #f1e78c, and Bright Khaki #2 (cream) #fbe4af.
You can find men’s shorts and women’s shorts in khaki. The styles of these range from athletic shorts to pleated shorts that resemble shortened trousers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
As versatile as khakis are, questions about styling them still arise. This FAQ provides the facts about styling khaki shorts.
When is it appropriate to wear khaki shorts?
As soon as the temperature feels comfortable to you, you can wear khaki shorts. They provide an appropriate look for casual occasions, lounging around the house, and in their dressier forms such as Bermuda and walking shorts, an option for summer business casual.
What color shirt matches with khaki shorts?
The versatility of khaki shorts means you can pair them with any color top. Some colors do receive more favor since they blend well with the beige tones of khakis. These include salmon, crimson, white, black, cream, emerald, navy blue, and lavender.
What color of shoes go with khaki shorts?
White sneakers or canvas shoes matching the color of your shirt work best. Black shoes rarely match khakis well, but you can make some of them work in a pinch. Any color of espadrilles works as long as they match the shirt or the shorts.
Burgundy or brown loafers can also work well with dressy casual looks.
What clothing can you match with shorts?
Accessorize your khaki shorts outfit with a scarf that matches the top. Match your socks to an accent color in the top or to the top’s color if it is a solid color shirt. Always wear a belt if the shorts have belt loops.
Match the belt to your shoes. If you wear brown deck shoes with your outfit, match the belt to the shoe color. If the shoes are leather, the belt should be, too.
What looks good with khaki shorts for men?
With respect to your shirt, choose a short-sleeved button-down oxford cloth shirt, a polo-style shirt, or a solid color t-shirt. Tuck in your shirt. If your shorts have belt loops, the same rules apply as with a woman’s outfit.
You need to wear a belt. Match the belt to your shoes unless you wear white sneakers. If the khaki shorts came with a belt, such as the canvas belt that often accompanies these shorts, wears it with them.
The designer typically styles these to match almost any outfit.
What color and kind of socks do you wear with khaki shorts?
Just as any color shirt goes well with khaki shorts, any color of socks does, too. Just match the socks to the shirt and all is well. As to the type of socks, wear no-show socks or ankle height socks.
Women can add bobby socks to that list. Although some people do still wear knee-high socks with khaki walking shorts, this look has fallen out of vogue.
Does grey go with khaki?
If you wear a pair of grey-hued khakis this can work. They will appear to be about the shade of slate roofing tiles or a little lighter. Grey t-shirts or polos work well with this shade of khaki.
How are shorts supposed to look when you wear them?
Your shorts should appear unwrinkled and clean. You do not have to press them. You can purchase khakis that provide a wash and wear look. Consider pressing a crease into Bermuda-style shorts if they do not have a cuff.
What kind of shorts should guys wear?
Men have a great variety of khaki shorts from which to choose, including cargo shorts, Bermuda shorts, chino shorts, utility shorts, and jams. You may choose any type that flatters your body type and fits appropriately. Bermuda and chino khaki shorts would be the only appropriate business casual choices.
Does pink go with khaki?
Pink goes beautifully with khaki. The most common tops in hues of pink include those in salmon and jewel-toned pink. Baby pink and rosewood, a burgundy pink also go well with khaki.
How do you look good in shorts with big thighs?
Choose mid-length (midi shorts) or above-the-knee shorts, also called walking shorts. Choose a loose fit so the shorts’ legs fall loosely around your thighs. These shorts will completely cover your thighs and the looseness in the legs of the shorts will keep the fabric from skimming your thighs to reveal their shape.
Does a light blue shirt go with khaki pants?
Yes, the Oxford cloth blue shirt and the classic blue chambray shirt provide two of the optimal choices for pairing with khaki shorts. Either of these choices meshes well with a brown leather belt and matching shoes.
Why are some men reluctant to wear shorts?
Guys have body issues just like girls do. Some gentlemen worry about their knobby knees or scars from knee surgeries. Some guys must wear pants at work and spend so much time indoors that they have quite pale legs while they might have darkly tanned arms, called a “farmer’s tan.”
They feel self-conscious about wearing shorts. The solutions to those problems are simple. You can cover knees by wearing long shorts such as skater shorts or have a self-tanner applied in a salon to achieve a balanced coloring between your legs and arms.
Another benefit of this is that scars appear less obvious when tanned and moisturized. Using a moisturizer (not lotion) with elasticin and salicylic acid in it can help plump the skin naturally.
Can a guy wear black shoes with khaki shorts?
Most women shudder at the thought of this because men’s shoes differ greatly from women’s. Women can easily pair a pair of ballet flats or dress shoes or sandals in any color, including black. Men do not have the same shoe luck.
Their black shoes typically dress shoes which only go with shorts as a part of a men’s suit. You might pair a pair of black sneakers in a cross-trainer style or running shoes in black with khaki shorts and ankle height or no-show socks in the color of the shirt.
Is khaki a warm or cool color?
You might assume khaki to be neutral, but it is a cool color. Its red-brown or blue-black undertones make it a cool color. Those with pale complexions can easily wear khaki and pair it with lilac or lavender for a complementary look.